Media Statement
Utah Judge Stone Oversteps in Delaying Law Triggered by SCOTUS Abortion Ruling SALT LAKE CITY--July 11, 2022--The Utah Eagle Forum today declared Third District Judge Andrew Stone’s temporary blockage of SB174, Utah's pro- life trigger law, as legislating from the bench without a single mention of the rights of the unborn babies. Responding to the knee jerk lawsuit by Planned Parenthood, Stone sided with them using the same reasoning as the Supreme Court of the United States did in “Roe v. Wade”, only this time he used the Utah Constitution for his unconstitutional bias opinion instead of the US Constitution. “This is an obvious example of legislating from the bench, in violation of the Utah constitution,” states Gayle Ruzicka, President of the Utah Eagle Forum. “We expected such desperate action from Planned Parenthood seeking to overcome the will of the people and rights of the unborn. But we are shocked and disappointed in this rock-hard liberal judgment and are prepared to continue fighting for full implementation of SB174, which is current law in Utah.” Ruzicka continues, “In our Republican form of government, the people elect legislators to make laws reflecting the will of the people. In this case Judge Stone and Planned Parenthood seek to overrule the people’s vote and subjugate the law to force their agenda. That’s not the way our free government works.” The Forum believes Roe v. Wade was always an unconstitutional ruling by the Supreme Court. The right to abortion does not exist in the Constitution. The Forum affirms that we now have a Supreme Court majority that rules according to correct constitutional and moral principles. In a triumphant day for unborn babies and their mothers, the 2022 SCOTUS ruling affirmed that each state can now decide what laws will govern abortion in their state. About the Utah Eagle Forum The Utah Eagle Forum has been a leader in the pro-life, pro-family movement and is part of the National Eagle Forum founded by Phyllis Schlafly in 1972. The Forum’s mission is to enable conservative and pro-family men and women to participate in the process of self-government and public policymaking so that America will continue to be a land of individual liberty, with respect for the nuclear family, public and private virtue, and private enterprise. For fifty years, Eagle Forum’s network of state organizations has led the charge to mobilize the grassroots to defend the founding principles of the United States. Since 1989, Utah Eagle Forum has been led by Gayle Ruzicka, who has committed her time as President to the defeat of Roe V. Wade SALT LAKE CITY--June 24, 2022--The Utah Eagle Forum today announced a triumphant day for unborn babies and their mothers. An affirming day for the Constitution and a victory for the United States of America, Roe v. Wade, which required that abortion on demand be legal in all 50 states, has been overturned by the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS). Each state can now decide what laws will govern abortion in their state. With the SCOTUS ruling, Utah Eagle Forum is appreciative that Utah has a well vetted pro-life law that is ready to go into effect. The Forum is especially grateful to Senator Dan McCay, the sponsor of this law that prohibits an abortion at any stage of a pregnancy, except under certain circumstances. The House Sponsor of the Utah law is Karianne Lisonbee. Gayle Ruzicka, President of the Utah Chapter of the Eagle Forum stated, “I remember the shock and the pain, almost 50 years ago, when seven Supreme Court Justices voted in support of Roe v. Wade, making abortion on demand legal in all 50 states. Since that time, 63 million babies have lost their lives because of abortion. I am grateful that I have lived long enough to see the end of Roe.” The Forum believes Roe v. Wade was always an unconstitutional ruling by the Supreme Court. The right to abortion does not exist in the Constitution. The Forum affirms that we now have a Supreme Court majority that rules according to correct constitutional and moral principles. Ruzika further states, “Our celebration includes creating support systems for mothers by connecting them with organizations and resources that can provide care and training for both the mother and her baby. These resources can provide a good start and opportunities for a successful future.” On Saturday July 2nd at 2pm, the Forum will join other Utah pro-life groups in a “Celebration of Life” event to commemorate the end of Roe v. Wade and a new era of life for Utah’s unborn babies. This celebration will take place at the Utah State Capitol. About the Utah Eagle Forum The Utah Eagle Forum has been a leader in the pro-life, pro-family movement and is part of the National Eagle Forum founded by Phyllis Schlafly in 1972. The Forum’s mission is to enable conservative and pro-family men and women to participate in the process of self-government and public policy-making so that America will continue to be a land of individual liberty, with respect for the nuclear family, public and private virtue, and private enterprise. For fifty years, Eagle Forum’s network of state organizations has led the charge to mobilize the grassroots to defend the founding principles of the United States. Since 1989, Utah Eagle Forum has been lead by Gayle Ruzicka, who has committed her time as President to the defeat of Roe V. Wade. For more information or questions please contact David Kyle, 801-615-1532 & Rana Williams, 801-688-2755 On Thursday, April 16, at 9:00 am, the Utah Legislature will have a special session to consider multiple bills dealing with issues from the Coronavirus such as government operations, allocation of taxes, elections, worker’s compensation, right to try investigational drugs, unemployment benefits and emergency operations during the pandemic and to establish procedures for future emergencies. So far, they have posted 10 bills and 2 resolutions that they will be considering. They could post more. It is important that we all call our representatives and legislative leadership and let them know how important it is to get people back to work.
If we don’t do something very soon, we could have conditions similar to the “Great Depression” of the 1930s. Most everyone who lived during that time is gone, but we had parents and grandparent who told us the stories about the unbelievably high unemployment, individuals and families standing in long soup lines just to get something to eat, losing all they owned including their homes and, of course, there were those who actually committed suicide because they lost everything, had no means of support, and little hope. They couldn’t pay their employees or their own obligations. Our generation talks about the 2008-2009 “Great Recession”. That is not what I am talking about. We all survived that with very few consequences or discomfort. We are experiencing for the first time in our lives, a pandemic, and because of that our life has changed. For the first time in our lives we are not able to move around freely from place to place. We are being told that we cannot get in our car and drive to the:
I am not suggesting that we should throw caution to the wind and go and do all these things, but when so many businesses are being forced to close by government order, they may be crossing the line between the common good and restricting liberty. I understand that in times of crisis, government can overreact in an effort to protect the public, but legislators must always protect our personal liberties first, and we must remember that with liberty comes responsibility. It is not the proper role of government to force businesses to close, but we must be responsible in the personal choices we make. We must protect ourselves and our families, as well as others who we could expose. Those who are high risk themselves or to others should stay home. Click here to read our statement on faith and liberty during the CONVID-19 Crisis. It is very important that you contact you legislators today, as well as legislative leadership. We are the ones to steer the direction of government. That is how a republic works, from the bottom up. We elect them to represent us. Let your voice be heard for the preservation of liberty. Now is the time to stand up and act. Ask your legislators to find the best way to start to open businesses and send people back to work while continuing to practice appropriate social distancing. You can read the bills at: Find, email and text your legislators at: Contact information for House and Senate Leadership: Speaker of the House: Brad Wilson Republican, District 15, 801-425-1028, [email protected] President of the State Senate: Stuart Adams Republican, District 22 801-593-1776, [email protected] Gayle Ruzicka Utah Eagle Forum We Must Have Faith not Fear - WE MUST PROTECT OUR GOD GIVEN CONSTITUTIONALLY PROTECTED LIBERTY3/26/2020 ![]() Overnight our world has changed! The threat is real. The fear of the Coronavirus Pandemic has caused the government, in many cases, to unjustifiably force us to conform to unreasonable mandates and infringe on our God given, constitutionally protected Liberty. Force creates fear, non-productive behavior, and economic chaos. This is not the time for fear, but for clear-headed thought through faith in God, our spiritual leaders, rational government leadership at all levels, and our capacity to unite and work together. The State of Utah is doing a good job keeping the people informed so they can make wise choices and govern themselves. This is working and most Utahns are trying to do whatever is necessary to be safe. Anne Schlafly Cori, Chairman of National Eagle Forum and daughter of founder, Phyllis Schlafly, wisely said, “In previous pandemics, the sick were isolated. In this pandemic, every single person is isolated.” Stay-at-home orders are already a fact in 42 states. Utah Eagle Forum believes that our personal Liberty is the most important thing to protect, and we all need to recognize that with Liberty comes responsibility. It is not the proper role of government to force private businesses to close. This will force small business owners, the foundation of our economy, to lose their businesses, employees to be out of work, causing lives to be ruined and families put at risk because there is no income for food, rent, and the necessities of life. There are no financial reserves to carry them through this crisis. When the pandemic is defeated, large and small businesses and their employees will have to live with the reality of the financial dilemma forced on them by government, and the general conversation will be focused mostly on the economic catastrophe and its ongoing fallout. Families will mourn the loss of their loved ones. Faith in government will be further eroded. Government does have a proper role in any situation of this nature, and its role should be to facilitate and provide every resource necessary to prevent contamination from the Coronavirus as well as developing and distributing all possible solutions and materials for those who ultimately contract the disease. We further believe government has a vital role and responsibility to disseminate, without spin or agenda, the most current, accurate and relevant information regarding threat status and local conditions. Government also has the authority to close the public schools or any other government offices or agencies. In order to promote consistency and continuity, guidelines for the public and the private business sector on how to protect themselves and each other are also an appropriate and needed government responsibility. These defensive measures are appropriate for the common good. Utah Eagle Forum does not believe that applying force in our current situation, individually or collectively, is appropriate within the scope of the proper role of government, or necessary in promoting the common good. The only exception may be in a specific situation to protect individual lives in imminent danger. We have seen the result of government forcing closures or shut-downs in the private sector. They are devastating and economically catastrophic individually and collectively. This is “shotgun” government mandating, producing no measurable results. Under no logical or rational definition can this be seen as working for the common good. We believe the same result would be achieved voluntarily by virtue of realistic individual and corporate responsibility and self-interest. That is the virtue and reality of a free society and the free market. My husband Don and I have made the decision to stay in our home isolated from family and friends to protect ourselves. We are in the age category of high risk and Don had major heart surgery recently. We did not need the government to force us into quarantine. We also believe most Americans will make wise choices without government coercion. We have already seen this happen as churches and private schools have made the choice to close their doors without government mandates. Utah Eagle Forum believes that individuals and businesses, given the truth about their situations will do the right thing. Blame is easy but counter-productive, and at this point, irrelevant. We also believe that our governments, federal and state, along with their agencies need to restore fundamental liberties to the people and to the private sector in order to begin to restore the faith they expect of us in them. Now is the time for all to Stand Up For Liberty. Contact all elected officials, federal, state, counties and cities and let them know that it is not the proper role of government to unnecessarily force closure of private businesses or criminalize peaceful gatherings over an arbitrary limit, or to force citizens into quarantine unless they have tested positive for the virus. Also send this message to all your friends and family. Talk about it on all Social Media. Urgency and panic have prompted acceptance and we cannot, must not accept any unwarranted infringement on our Liberties. The message must be Protecting Liberty and the Proper Role of Government. Do not get into the “weeds” or most people will not listen. God has said, “Proclaim Liberty throughout all the land and unto all the inhabitants.” And that is what we must do. May God bless us, and may God bless America. Gayle Ruzicka, President - Utah Eagle Forum Many parents in Utah are taking their children to transgender clinics seeking hormone therapy and surgery for their children to change their sex. This is troublesome because sex cannot be changed. Even with extensive hormonal or cosmetic treatment, affecting the outward appearance of individuals, XX and XY chromosomes will always be XX and XY chromosomes. Doctors at Utah clinics, including a clinic at the University of Utah, are administering puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and even body-changing surgeries to children. What are these “gender affirming” therapies and what damage are they inflicting on children? Puberty Blockers: Powerful drugs that will prevent children from experiencing puberty. According to the American College of Pediatricians some of the effects of these body altering drugs include:
Cross-sex Hormones: Giving young girls testosterone who want to become boys and giving young boys estrogen who want to become girls. What are some the side effects of these drugs?
Surgery: Hysterectomy, mastectomy, testicle removal and surgeries that attempt to create male genitalia on females and female genitalia on males which can be non-functional or with limited functionality at best. None of these surgeries are reversible in the sense of regaining full functionality or appearance if these children, or the adults they become, ever change their minds. The doctors are using the children as guinea pigs with untested and unproven drugs. As a result, their bodies are mutilated, and children become sterilized. This terrible practice must be stopped. Right now there are over a HUNDRED children at the GEMS Clinic at the University of Utah receiving these hormone treatments with more children starting the treatment on a regular basis. That means there will be hundreds of sterile and mutilated children by the end of this year. Representative Brad Daw is the sponsor of “Prohibition on Transgender Procedures Upon Minors” and Senator Curt Bramble is the Senate sponsor. This bill would make all of these procedures illegal for children under 18. Powerful people, who are not thinking of the best interest of Utah’s children, are blocking this bill from passing. As we have seen many times before, Utahns can be even more powerful than the politicians when they come together and stand for what is right. We need your help to get this bill to committee and on its way to become the law that will save these children. This is not a parental rights issue. Parents hold the legal right to care for their children and provide them the healthcare they need but they have never been able to allow their children to be used as guinea pigs. There is never a reason to sterilize or cosmetically alter children, which as a result destroys their God-given right to choose to have children in the future. According to long term studies in Sweden, individuals who have received chemical and surgical gender-affirming operations are 19 times more likely to commit suicide. The number of children who change their mind is EXTREMELY HIGH. According to the DSM-5 manual, up to 88% of the girls who identify during childhood as boys and up to 97.8% of the boys who identify as girls change their mind if they do not receive puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones or surgery. Please email all the Utah State Representatives and Senators. Call or email the Governor. Ask them to tell their leadership that they want the opportunity to vote on this bill to save the children. Senate Roster House Roster Please come to the Capitol with us this week to speak with your legislators. It makes a big difference when they know you are there and have a personal interest in the well-being of Utah children. For more information please call Maryann Christensen: 801-860-5419
Written by Ryan Neuhaus, August 13, 2019. Originally published in the Washington Examiner
Recently, a coalition of 75 organizations including Planned Parenthood, National LGBTQ Task Force, the ACLU, and the National Abortion Federation released a 116-page blueprint outlining a policy agenda aimed at advancing policies for women and children in the name of “sexual and reproductive health care, rights, and justice.” However, after reading over the policies, one quickly realizes that they would substantially harm American families without bringing forth "rights" or "justice." Parental rights, for example, are targeted for elimination. The coalition deemed parental consent for an abortion as detrimental to the empowerment of “girls and youth assigned female.” If the true goal of the coalition is to help empower young women, shouldn’t they encourage young women to look to their mothers, their families, or at least an experienced adult such as a judge for guidance in potentially intense and emotional times? After all, considering that adult engagement is required for getting your ears pierced or taking an aspirin at school, surely making a life-ending decision such as abortion is worth a conversation with someone who isn’t going to profit from it. Cutting out mothers seems like the most glaring oversight of all. “Of all familial relationships, the mother–daughter one is most likely to remain important for both parties, even when major life changes occur,” write the authors of a study led by Kathryn Bojczyk of Florida State University. “Multiple theoretical perspectives recognize the mother–daughter bond as lifelong, intimate, and developmentally important.” Distancing a mother’s guidance regarding the health and well-being of their children is terrible policy. Research conducted by Paula Goodwin of Purdue University and Osman Galal of UCLA has shown that traditional family structures have positioned women to directly impact the overall health and well-being of their families. If the true intent of pro-abortion activists were to provide healthcare to women, while respecting and valuing women, taking mothers out of the decision-making process alongside their children would be viewed as irresponsible, as it devalues motherhood and endangers adolescent women. Good policy would uphold parental and adult engagement laws, as mothers and fathers are at the heart of a child’s education and healthcare. And parents will be the ones helping pick up the pieces when things go wrong. Judicial bypass laws also at least ensure that someone with the child’s interest in mind is looking at the needs of all. Perhaps the abortion lobby’s desire to cut out parents has to do with the fact that they want unrestricted access to minors to make an abortion sale. The substantive work of Dr. Michael New has shown conclusively that when a state passes a law ensuring that parents are involved in the decision, the overall statewide rate of abortion decreases by an estimated 13.6%. Abortion has harmed millions of women across the United States. Often portrayed as a safe medical practice, abortion has been found to scar the lining of the uterus, damage the cervix and other internal organs, lead to eating disorders, depression, suicidal thoughts, and even death. Complications from botched surgeries have resulted in hysterectomies, ending girls' chances ever to have children of their own later in life. The overriding problem with the healthcare proposal coming from abortion advocates is a fundamental disagreement over what constitutes healthcare. Pregnancy is not a disease cured by abortion. Pushing an agenda that distills all women’s interests down to the presence or absence of abortion ignores needs for economic advancement, access to education, or a level playing field in the law. A blueprint for healthcare that values and strengthens the lives of mothers and children is a good idea. It won’t be achieved if we cut the ties between adults and children. The real question is who can be better trusted to help a child make an abortion decision, the people who have devoted their lives to a child, or the people whose goal is to make a sale? Ryan Neuhaus is Students for Life of America’s Florida Regional Coordinator. Message from Gayle Ruzicka: This weekend Unplanned stunned the movie industry, it took in $6 million over the weekend, doubling expectations from the 1,059 theaters it appeared in. It will appear in about 1,700 for the coming weekend. I have seen Unplanned twice. Once with the Governor and Glenn Beck and both times with Utah legislators. We must support this movie. Please take your friends and family and go see Unplanned. Don't take your teenagers until you have first seen it, then you decide if it is for them. We must defund Planned Parenthood. After you see this show you will want to work with us to do that. Our tax dollars are going to fund Planned Parenthood. I call it blood money. Why should we be forced to fund something that violates our conscience and for many of us is against our religion. Please see Unplanned and then help us fight the battle. Click here to get your tickets: Watch the movie trailer below: About the Movie UnplannedUnplanned is the inspiring true story of one woman’s journey of transformation.
All Abby Johnson ever wanted to do was help women. As one of the youngest Planned Parenthood clinic directors in the nation, she was involved in upwards of 22,000 abortions and counseled countless women about their reproductive choices. Her passion surrounding a woman’s right to choose even led her to become a spokesperson for Planned Parenthood, fighting to enact legislation for the cause she so deeply believed in. Until the day she saw something that changed everything, a baby fighting for its life. This led Abby Johnson to join her former enemies at 40 Days For Life and become one of the most ardent pro-life speakers in America. Abby was a woman who was deeply involved in Planned Parenthood until God showed her the truth about this evil organization. She left Planned Parenthood and now speaks out on behalf of life. The power broker: Can conservative icon Gayle Ruzicka stay relevant in today's Republican party?3/6/2019 ![]() From the Deseret News One of the most recognizable power brokers on the Hill, she and her team commandeer a row of tables in the cafeteria each morning, setting up mission control to protect the two things they say matter most: the Constitution and the family. By Sara Israelsen-Hartley | March 6, 2019 at 10:00 pm MST
One of the most recognizable power brokers on the Hill, she and her team commandeer a row of tables in the cafeteria each morning, setting up mission control to protect the two things they say matter most: the Constitution and the family. She is Gayle Ruzicka, president of Utah Eagle Forum, one of the most powerful people in Utah politics to never hold elected office. She’s been called the puppet master, a behind-the-scenes mobilizer of hundreds of activists who can sink legislation overnight and a deal breaker feared by Utah lawmakers. Yet many politicians brush aside such claims, dismissing her power and influence as a media creation; others admit Ruzicka had influence, but in the '90s, not today. Yet even their protestations paint a picture of power. Read More |
AuthorVolunteers of Utah Eagle Forum. Archives
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