On Thursday, April 16, at 9:00 am, the Utah Legislature will have a special session to consider multiple bills dealing with issues from the Coronavirus such as government operations, allocation of taxes, elections, worker’s compensation, right to try investigational drugs, unemployment benefits and emergency operations during the pandemic and to establish procedures for future emergencies. So far, they have posted 10 bills and 2 resolutions that they will be considering. They could post more. It is important that we all call our representatives and legislative leadership and let them know how important it is to get people back to work.
If we don’t do something very soon, we could have conditions similar to the “Great Depression” of the 1930s. Most everyone who lived during that time is gone, but we had parents and grandparent who told us the stories about the unbelievably high unemployment, individuals and families standing in long soup lines just to get something to eat, losing all they owned including their homes and, of course, there were those who actually committed suicide because they lost everything, had no means of support, and little hope. They couldn’t pay their employees or their own obligations. Our generation talks about the 2008-2009 “Great Recession”. That is not what I am talking about. We all survived that with very few consequences or discomfort. We are experiencing for the first time in our lives, a pandemic, and because of that our life has changed. For the first time in our lives we are not able to move around freely from place to place. We are being told that we cannot get in our car and drive to the:
I am not suggesting that we should throw caution to the wind and go and do all these things, but when so many businesses are being forced to close by government order, they may be crossing the line between the common good and restricting liberty. I understand that in times of crisis, government can overreact in an effort to protect the public, but legislators must always protect our personal liberties first, and we must remember that with liberty comes responsibility. It is not the proper role of government to force businesses to close, but we must be responsible in the personal choices we make. We must protect ourselves and our families, as well as others who we could expose. Those who are high risk themselves or to others should stay home. Click here to read our statement on faith and liberty during the CONVID-19 Crisis. It is very important that you contact you legislators today, as well as legislative leadership. We are the ones to steer the direction of government. That is how a republic works, from the bottom up. We elect them to represent us. Let your voice be heard for the preservation of liberty. Now is the time to stand up and act. Ask your legislators to find the best way to start to open businesses and send people back to work while continuing to practice appropriate social distancing. You can read the bills at: https://le.utah.gov/DynaBill/BillList?session=2020S3 Find, email and text your legislators at: https://www.utaheagleforum.org/contact-your-legislator.html#/ Contact information for House and Senate Leadership: Speaker of the House: Brad Wilson Republican, District 15, 801-425-1028, [email protected] President of the State Senate: Stuart Adams Republican, District 22 801-593-1776, [email protected] Gayle Ruzicka Utah Eagle Forum ![]() On Tuesday, March 31, Equality Utah sent an email that included the following misinformation: “Today is International Transgender Day of Visibility. And being visible literally saves lives. This year, a wave of anti-transgender bills swept across the country. Sadly, the Idaho governor just signed two anti-transgender bills into law. Here in Utah, the Eagle Forum worked aggressively to push legislation to criminalize transition related healthcare for transgender children. They recruited Representative Brad Daw to carry out their harmful legislation. Thankfully, when Rep. Daw met with transgender children and their parents and doctors, he just couldn’t do it. He listened with an open heart and refused to advance the Eagle Forum’s cruel medical ban. We are grateful to the courageous advocates who are working to change hearts and minds on Capitol Hill.” Equality Utah referred to “healthcare for transgender children.” It is incomprehensible to call experimental medical procedures, that hurt and permanently damage children, “healthcare.” These are unproven treatments that use children as guinea pigs. It is important to know that many organizations including Empowered Families, a coalition of 30 pro-family organizations, along with the Berean Baptist Church and The Compassion Coalition, and Utah Eagle Forum all joined together on this critically important legislation, and worked very hard during the Legislative session to protect children dealing with gender dysphoria (discomfort with one’s biological sex). These experimental treatments are currently legal in Utah and are seriously harming our children, including:
These misguided, draconian therapies and procedures can hardly be called Healthcare. Rather, they are radical, irreversible and dangerous experiments on children, without any credible medical or scientific validation. Introducing opposite sex hormones, and surgically removing and crudely reconstructing sexual body parts, cannot change a human male into a female and a human female into a male. It may tragically succeed in making one look something like the other, but these children and/or adults will always remain the biological sex they were assigned by God. The truth is, the rates of non-persistence (those who change their mind and are comfortable with their biological sex) are EXTREMELY HIGH. According to the DSM-5, females who identify during childhood as male, the rate of non-persistence can be as high as 88%. For males identifying as females, the rate of non-persistence is as high as 97.8%. There are many other studies with similar results. This shows that the vast majority of children resolve and identify as their biological sex by adulthood. Dr. Michelle Cretella M.D., executive director of the American College of Pediatricians, has said, “Puberty is not a disease. It is a critical window of development that is permanently disrupted by puberty blockers because time machines do not exist. When normal puberty is artificially arrested, valuable time that should be spent in normal development is forever stolen from these children. This time period, during which highly significant and irreplaceable advances in bone, brain, sexual and psycho-social development occur, is time that can never be given back.” Dr. Cretella went on to say, “the medical establishment is “affirming” a population of emotionally troubled and neurologically diverse youth onto a pathway of chemical and surgical sterilization and other life-long risks. This is eugenics not healthcare. Minors and their parents are being led astray by a few in the medical establishment and greater cultural movement driven by an evil ideology and financial greed, not science and the Hippocratic Oath. The suppression of normal puberty, sterilization, and the surgical mutilation of children constitutes atrocities and crimes against humanity, not healthcare.” According to the Controlled Substance Database of Utah, the number of female to male transgender minors in Utah going through medical transition in 2019 was 553. That was just the girls, we don’t have the numbers yet for the boys (male to female), but we can assume that it is significant. That would mean that presently approximately 1000 children are being medically “treated” with this experimental treatment. That is a 10000% increase over the last 5 years. A thousand children being used as guinea pigs. A thousand children whose bodies are being mutilated. A thousand children who are being sterilized. And Equality Utah calls this “Healthcare for transgender children.” Appalling. It is time that the Legislature and the people of Utah do something about this. Please talk to all of the candidates currently running for public office, especially those running for governor or the legislature, about this horrible practice. The legislators are the only ones who can pass a law making it illegal for doctors to give these experimental drugs and medical procedures to children. The governor will then need to sign the bill. That is why we need a commitment from all of them to stop these procedures now. Our vulnerable children and their futures are at stake. Learn more. Download |
AuthorVolunteers of Utah Eagle Forum. Archives
January 2024